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Saturday, May 31, 2014
Goodbye May...
Oh May! My favorite month since it's the month I was born and because it's when you know that Summer is just right around the corner. A lot of good things have happened and I can't believe it's my last birthday as a student.. At least for now. It's so crazy to think that last year, I was starting my 2nd semester and here I am now.. finishing up my last. Time has flown by and I have aged another year older. However, everything still feels the same to me. Probably because I am still in school but I'm sure once I'm done, a lot will change. I'm so excited to be done but at the same time, feeling a little bittersweet. I am grateful for the memories and great friendships I have made since school started. I guess it still hasn't really hit me yet that I'll be graduating in about 2 months. It still feels like a dream.
So.. since I had all the time in the world to edit some videos today, I decided to compile up all the video clips and pictures that I've had so far and make a vlog about it. I'm technically still not sure how to do vlogs except make videos and clips of random stuff but hey, at least I'm trying lol! I'm sure I'll get better at it somehow.. most likely once I'm done with hygiene school lol!
On a scale of 1-10, my birthday this year was probably an 8.5 probably because I had to be in school and I had to study for anesthesia boards lol! However, I was grateful for my friends and family who greeted me & remembered the day of my birth hahaha. It made me feel so loved and blessed. I am so excited for my family to come in August. That was pretty much their birthday gift to me and tickets to see FALL OUT BOY & PARAMORE! So stoked about that!
Also, my awesome in-laws celebrated my birthday on the last day of the month. I requested for some baby back ribs and pineapple dole whip (like the one from Disneyland) for dinner. It was sooo good! I wasn't feeling good yesterday so I wasn't able to really film it. But I got some awesome gifts from them! The panda painting was from my sis-in-law from Seattle. I totally screamed when I saw it haha! And, of course they all know about my obsession with Nutella. YUM! I'm super excited to try some of the recipes in it. THANK YOU!!!!
Anyway, here's a video of what went down for the day! Enjoy!!
Sunday, May 11, 2014
April Vlog
**Click on the picture to get to the video!
One of the best events that have happened was that Curt and I were able to watch Noteworthy in action. They celebrated their 10th Anniversary and had a great concert. It was pretty sweet! It was really funny because it was the weekend before Finals but since I made a schedule to follow, I was able to take a night off from studying and was able to play with friends.
Another big event was that I finished off my 4th semester of Finals! Man, it felt so great! I was able to celebrate the last day of finals with great friends over some yummy ice cream treats. It was awesome to just kick back, relax, and talk about not having to go home and do homework. Phew! It felt amazing!
I also wanted to mention that my 2 darling sisters: Crystal and Patricia had birthdays this month! I feel so old!!!!! I'm so grateful for my family... my awesome parents and crazy siblings! Oh the memories! I miss them so much and can't wait to spend some time with them after I'm done with school. :)
After relaxing for two days, my good friend, Janessa and I sat down at my kitchen table and had a serious conversation and session about BOARDS!!! Yes, it was our break from school and we got together and planned our schedule for the big exams that will basically change our lives hahahaha! It was pretty awesome and exciting at the same time. We had so many questions that we even called WREB themselves. They were so nice about it though and answered each and every one of the question we had. After a whole day of figuring out what we were going to do for the next 4-5 upcoming months, we sent our first application to take our 1st board exam: Written Anesthesia WREB! Holy cow, it was exciting and at the same time, we both had great anxiety. We had butterflies and I think worms in our stomachs lol! Well ok not worms, it just felt like it! Ever since then, we both have been studying non-stop for it. It was such a pain to not be able to enjoy the break but it's ok.. it'll be worth it in the end! :)
Even though I was studying my brains out for boards, there were times when my sweet hubs just knew that I needed a break. He decided that we were going to enjoy the sun and the warm weather. In Provo, they had a huge Spring event going on and we decided to go. It was super fun! We even got to hang out with our friends with cute babies. We had a blast!
Then, after a long week of being cooped inside the house again, the Buckmiller tradition of going to Moab finally arrived. It was nice to get out of Provo and have a change of scenery. We even invited Janessa since she was my study buddy and I couldn't leave her. We were both determined to study no matter what... but did that happen? Not so much! LOL! However, we were able to experience our first Jeeping experience (for Janessa) and first rock climbing and conquering my fear of heights experience (Me). It was super fun and man, I was so nervous for my life. It was such a rush of adrenalin and it was awesome!
Besides the fact that I was studying for Anesthesia boards, I was also studying something else not related to dental hygiene at all.... JAPANESE!!!! Yes.. I am learning Japanese for fun and because I needed a break from all of the serious stuff going on. I also have plans of visiting Japan next year and visit my best friend. It's been a dream of mine to visit that country since I was young. I tried going in 2008 but decided to go to school instead. I was even planning on going the next year but guess what happened..... I met Curt! LOL! So now, he told me I can go next year. Woohoo! I am super excited aboout it. I know it's a long ways away but it's something to look forward to. There's a video of Curt and Drew trying to learn a few phrases of Japanese somewhere in the video hahahaha!
Here are some books and audio cds that help me with my Japanese..
This is what I use to communicate with all my Japanese friends. It's an app called LINE and it's super awesome.. and FREE to use!!!! I love it.
The toughest part about learning Japanese is their alphabet. It's super tough learning it but I'm having so much fun memorizing them. Curt and I would watch anime and I could read the characters. It totally feels like an accomplishment. :)
Someday, I'm planning on mastering Korean and Spanish.. and yes I am serious about it. I don't know what it is about Asian languages but it just sounds cool and beautiful. Spanish on the other hand, is definitely a must for me. :)
Basically, that's what our April was like! Oh and by the way, did I mention that we got to see Switchfoot for the 2nd time in a row? Yes, it was awesome! Nuff said!
**Here's a Japanese version of "Let It Go" with it's English translation if you want to watch it! Just thought I'd share it. Hahahaha!
Sunday, May 4, 2014
A video from me... to you!!!
Hey guys! Guess what I made?! My first vlog hahahaha! Normally I don't do this but for some reason I was just inspired to do vlogs from now on since I suck at blogging. Man, who knew that vlogging, editing, and all that took so much effort. I've made a few vlogs already but this is my first one and my darling sister, Patty, has been bugging me about it! She vlogs too! She's funny like that! My vlogs will be mostly for my family and friends who are either not living in the same state as we are or who are living in other parts of the world.
One reason why I wanted to vlog was because I sucked at blogging and writing down my thoughts and what not. I'm not the "write on your journal-type" and never was. I was more of a person that just wanted to talk. So I decided, why not record everything that's going on and share it to the family and friends, and maybe even the world.
I don't intend to be a YouTube person or try to be someone famous. There are already many people for that. This is just for fun. But who knows, maybe down the road I'll start doing YouTube stuff just like favorite YouTubers.... but that's not until I graduate and have more time in my hands. Hahahahaha!
One reason why I wanted to vlog was because I sucked at blogging and writing down my thoughts and what not. I'm not the "write on your journal-type" and never was. I was more of a person that just wanted to talk. So I decided, why not record everything that's going on and share it to the family and friends, and maybe even the world.
I don't intend to be a YouTube person or try to be someone famous. There are already many people for that. This is just for fun. But who knows, maybe down the road I'll start doing YouTube stuff just like favorite YouTubers.... but that's not until I graduate and have more time in my hands. Hahahahaha!
P.S. Here's a YouTube Link:
Hope you guys enjoy and stay tune for more! :)
Another P.S. Please leave comments.. I want to know your thoughts and suggestions on how I can make the videos fun. Even suggest what I should put next lol!
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Mock March
Mock March Post!
Even though the month of March has been over for 2 months now.. I wanted to share with you guys what has happened. It's been a crazy ride for both of us. First of all, I had Written Mock Boards. Phew! It was not what I expected at all. I wrote about it a week before the exam on my "Toothy Adventures by One Busy Bee" blog. The one thing that I was really bummed about was that I studied since January to prepare myself and yet when I saw the test in front of me, it felt like I didn't study anything at all. It was completely insane and I had a little panic attack I think lol! The worst part was that we had to wait until we knew what we got hahahaha! It was a good experience though. Now we are definitely scared and pumped up to get ready for the real one.
This is my picture right before the exam! My cute classmates made us baggies to wish us luck! <3 p="">
Also, another big event is that Curt turned 27 this year. My last post was probably about my thoughts on getting old and changing. Even if it wasn't my birthday yet, I knew that Curt and I were not getting any younger and it definitely made me think of what lies ahead for our future. It was insane!
My good friend Cassie and I... We are super excited that we passed hahahahaha! Phew!
Also, another big event is that Curt turned 27 this year. My last post was probably about my thoughts on getting old and changing. Even if it wasn't my birthday yet, I knew that Curt and I were not getting any younger and it definitely made me think of what lies ahead for our future. It was insane!
Anyway, for his birthday, I got a deal on Groupon that had to do with swimming at The Crater up in Midvale. It was such a good price that I didn't want to let the opportunity slide and at the same time, we both have been talking about going there for awhile now. It was so hard to keep it a secret from him because I was so excited. Eventually, I cracked due to some unforeseen schedule changes since I also had UDA (Utah Dental Association) Convention that weekend. But he was still excited when I told him about it. Unfortunately. Curt had to work on his birthday and I had the convention going on that day as well. It was a bummer but we also made the most out of it later in the day.
We went the next day instead and it was a beautiful day to drive up to Midvale. It was a bit chilly but still nice. Here's the entrance to the Crater.

Once you enter The Crater, here's what the inside looks like! It's actually pretty neat!

We even asked the nice lifeguard/manager to take a picture of us. He was such a nice guy and even held my phone for me while we were in the water. The water temperature was very warm and it was so relaxing to be in there. For the whole hour we were there, it was peaceful and quiet since there were only 3 other couples. The water was dark blue and I think it was about 70-90 ft deep. Knowing myself, I was freaked out at first just because I couldn't see the bottom.. (yes, I have that phobia) But luckily, we were able to snorkel. It wasn't too bad after that. It was cool to see some people scuba diving in the bottom. There wasn't much to see but it was still cool to watch them. If you have the chance, you should go here and visit. I never felt so relaxed and serene since I gave up my monthly massages.
After, we just played outside the Crater and decided to walk around... The sun was so bright and the warm water made it possible for us to just enjoy soaking up in the sun and getting some Vitamin D and exercise.

These stairs felt like a good workout! LOL

Made it to the top of the Crater!
Saturday, March 15, 2014
You're Never Old.. To Be Young
While sitting down on the couch in our tiny apartment and watching our favorite shows (we like to binge watch lol), I asked Curt a question that has been bothering me...
"Are we getting too old for this? Do we need to start acting like our age?"
You see, if you don't know Curt and I very well, we have similar things that we like that people may think are childish. Curt loves to play his video games, while I go "gaga" over cute little things, especially Asian stuff. I am all about Asian things.. maybe because of my childhood and the culture I was raised in lol! But whenever we're all caught up with our favorite tv shows, we would watch cartoons and watch animes (Japanese cartoons) during our spare time. And, when I get really bored and just want to read, I sometimes go for mangas that have romantic/comedy plots. We both have friends that like watching cartoons/animes and read mangas like us and there are those who make fun of us for it and call us lame.. Haha! We're totally cool with both sides. It doesn't bother us at all. But then again, I see, meet, and know people who are so mature and acting like their age or older than their age. So after asking the question, Curt just looked at me and said,
"We're never too old for anything. It's true that we may be getting old by the age but why would we change just because of that? What difference does it make if we change ourselves if we're not happy? Being true to our own self is something important. I may be 27 years old but I'm happy because I'm doing what I love to do. If someone had to tell you to change because you should act like your age, would you?"
After this, I answered, "Maybe, I don't know."
And then he asked, "Do you think you would be happy and be truthful to yourself?"
This made me think a bit and I said that I probably wouldn't because it was just not me. Our conversation lasted for a couple of hours and we just talked about how the number age doesn't matter and that we just need to be ourselves. It's true that we need to act on the responsibilities that we have as adults and as future parents but it doesn't mean that we should stop being who we are for the sake of what society thinks how we should act and how everything is supposed to be. Because of this, I told him that I'm determined to learn more things, create another goal once I'm done with school (maybe try learning Japanese again to full extent), and to dream big!
I love this quote that I found as well!
Friday, February 28, 2014
A New Beginning
Hello everyone! Sorry that I haven't updated my blog for about 6 months now. Things have been crazy busy with school and life. Well, this post is really about what I've been up to these past few months and to update you all from what's been going on.
No, I'm not pregnant yet in case any of you are wondering. LOL! But this year is pretty much an exciting year for Curt and I. First of all, I'm almost done with dental hygiene school. Crazy! It's been one heck of a rollercoaster but a suer fun one. According to my countdown app, I have 167 days and 6 hours before I graduate! Woot! Super exciting! Also, another exciting news is that the whole Buckmiller Family is going to Florida in May. We're all excited because a good vacation is definitely what I need before I prepare for boards. Gah! It's been crazy. Balancing both school and boards is really tough but hopefully I can manage through all of it without my brain exploding.
Anyway, one thing I wanted to share with you all is that I've been eating so much junk food lately while in school that I have noticed that my "thigh gap" is beginning to close and that I was getting a little belly. And since we were going to Florida in May, I decided I need to change my eating habits and start eating healthy. Not only is it good for my little flat tire that I have but also for my overall health as well. So.. Have you heard of Blogilates by Cassey Ho? If you have, good for you! If not, you gotta check her out. She's super awesome and so enthusiastic about every workout. I've been doing her 90-day challenge since I had about 92 days before our vacation when I found her. I think it wasn't a coincidence and that fate made the Gods of Pilates and Workout Angels decided to have me stumble upon her blog/website. Super cheesy right? But it totally did and I was super motivated. At first I thought, "Wrong timing.. I am in my 4th semester and have mock boards to study.. How can I do this?" But my mind and body just told me to do it and that everything will work out. So far, I've been successful. I'm already ending my Week 2 and following her meal plans. It's super awesome! I'll try to post weekly about the things I've done and let you know how I'm progressing.
Here's her the link to her blog and a picture of the beginner's calendar that I'm doing!
Oh and guess what guys, I have been super pumped up about being a dental hygienist soon that I decided to also make a blog about dental hygiene. It's still in the works but let me know how you like it and if you have any ideas.. come check it out and share your thoughts!
Have a great weekend!
Love, Roxy :)
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