Goodbye Desperate Housewives and Glee for now... Welcome Back Psych!!!

Bittersweet goodbye... for now! Desperate Housewives has aired it's finale season on Sunday and Glee has only 2 more episodes left before it takes a break! Oh... to think that I'll be devastated to have to wait again but at least I have one show to look forward to. PSYCH!!!!! Oh yeah.. it's coming back in the fall and I am super excited for it. Who doesn't love this show?! If you don't, then you're mental!!! It's very awesome! Anyway, welcome back Spencer and Gus! Oh and of course, I can't forget about Detective Lasseter and Juliet. It's gonna be sweet! I'm excited and so should you! :)

I think for now.. this gap with give me time to catch up with Pretty Little Liars and Modern Family! Hahaha!!!! I'm such a nerd!!! Pathetic, maybe.. LOL!

1 That's what they said:

  1. I need to catch up on Pretty Little Liars too! But I want to finish Desperate Housewives first. I'm only in season 3. I love it! haha I remember Chelsea told me before that it was good but I didn't really listen. Now it's my new favorite show!


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Goodbye Desperate Housewives and Glee for now... Welcome Back Psych!!!

Posted by Roxy at 11:48 AM

Bittersweet goodbye... for now! Desperate Housewives has aired it's finale season on Sunday and Glee has only 2 more episodes left before it takes a break! Oh... to think that I'll be devastated to have to wait again but at least I have one show to look forward to. PSYCH!!!!! Oh yeah.. it's coming back in the fall and I am super excited for it. Who doesn't love this show?! If you don't, then you're mental!!! It's very awesome! Anyway, welcome back Spencer and Gus! Oh and of course, I can't forget about Detective Lasseter and Juliet. It's gonna be sweet! I'm excited and so should you! :)

I think for now.. this gap with give me time to catch up with Pretty Little Liars and Modern Family! Hahaha!!!! I'm such a nerd!!! Pathetic, maybe.. LOL!

1 comments on "Goodbye Desperate Housewives and Glee for now... Welcome Back Psych!!!"

Unknown on May 31, 2011 at 8:44 PM said...

I need to catch up on Pretty Little Liars too! But I want to finish Desperate Housewives first. I'm only in season 3. I love it! haha I remember Chelsea told me before that it was good but I didn't really listen. Now it's my new favorite show!

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