First of all, one of my best friends in hygiene school Chelsey and her husband, Charles stayed at our place for almost a week and a half due to sad circumstances. At the place they were living in, the ceiling in their kitchen collapsed and exposed some mold. We weren't sure if it was toxic but they didn't want to risk the chances. Here's a picture of their ceiling when it first caved in.
Here are some pictures that I took when we ate Taco soup for dinner! Roommates!!
This is their stuff in the living room! Haha
Oh and they stayed with us during the most stressful week of the semester: FINALS!!! But it was ok, coz we totally managed and it was definitely fun. Janessa even came down and spent a day of studying with us. We went to the Farmer's market since Janessa hasn't been ever and spent lunch there. It was super fun! :)
This was Chelsey and I that same night! It was awful!!! We were so drained and exhausted!
After surviving the whole week with only 4-5 hours of sleep, this is how I felt after I handed in my last final and walked out of that classroom! The feeling was awesome, a good sigh, and relief! Phew!
It's been a crazy semester and crazy ride! It was definitely challenging but I can't wait til next semester and the next challenge we'll be facing. I still can't believe that I'm a Senior and that I only have 1 more year left to go. Kinda excited to see and meet our Juniors. Hopefully I can pull through and keep plugging along til the end. Even though it's our summer break, it's not really a break hahahaha! My fellow classmates and I need to study for what's called "End of the Year" exam. It's basically an exam that preps us for National Boards. The test is massive and gnarly. It contains all of the hardest classes we've taken from 1st and 2nd semester. Goodness!!! We never get a break at all!!! Oh by the way, here's my new schedule for next semester. What does yours look like compared to mine??? Hahahahaha! Do you still think your life sucks??? Try dental hygiene school.. you'll see what I'm talking about!
0 That's what they said:
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